We offer an extensive array of equine veterinary services.
Sports Medicine Procedures
Individualized rehab plans
In house, same day:
Stem cell, IRAP, PRP, digital radiography and digital ultrasound
Digital Radiography:
This allows us to get diagnostic results within a few minutes right at your farm. This means we can initiate therapy during the same visit we make a diagnosis.
Digital Ultrasound:
This allows us to assess many structures in your horse from organs in the chest or abdomen, to soft tissue injuries in the leg. It is often a vital tool when assessing lameness. With our digital ultrasound, we are able to save images to create a customized rehabilitation plan and monitor progress over time.
Interleukin -1 Receptor Antagonist Protein (IRAP):
This procedure allows us to separate and save the horse’s own antiflammatory molecules from the blood. This can be used to treat joint disease without many of the potential risks of traditional intra-articular therapies.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP):
Using proteins and cells from the horse’s own blood to act as scaffolding and provide growth factors to stimulate best possible healing soft tissue injuries.
Therapeutic Ultrasound:
This can aid in the rehabilitation process for soft-tissue injuries.
Other Services
Dental care is an important component of equine health. We offer a range of dental services and treat every horse as an individual. Our veterinarians are trained to provide the best care from floating/equilibration to complete oral exams and treatment.
Pre-Purchase Exams:
We offer a variety of examinations and diagnostics for clients looking to purchase a horse.
Health Programs:
Take the worry and guesswork out of your horse’s routine care. Let the Ridgeview Veterinary staff manage your equine health.
Sign up for an RVP Health Program, and enjoy these benefits:
- Our staff keeps track of your horse’s vaccination, worming and Coggin’s schedule, so you don’t have to. We’ll call you to schedule appointments when they’re needed.
- Vaccinations are spread out over the year rather than loaded into one or two visits, which reduces the likelihood of adverse reactions or interactions.
- Your Ridgeview veterinarian sees your horse at regular intervals, monitoring overall health and answering any questions you might have.
- You pay no farm-call fee for Health Program visits.
- Your Coggin’s test is included in the Health Program.
RVP 2018 Health Programs (PDF)
Call Ridgeview at (301) 607-8000 to enroll your horse today!
24-7 Emergency Care
At Ridgeview Veterinary Practice, you can take comfort in knowing that when you call our emergency line, someone will answer to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
These 24/7 Emergency Services are available to current clients only.
In House, Same Day
CBC, chemistry, cytology, fecal exams: Our in house laboratory allows us to quickly get results for some of the most common tests.
These include:
- CBC evaluation of blood for anemia, infection
- Fibrinogen which looks for infection or inflammation
- Cytology which is the ability to evaluate cells for abnormalities
- Bacterial culture which can grow bacteria and evaluate the best choice of antibiotic for your horse.
- Ultrasound
- Pre-Purchase Exams
- Dentistry
- Stem Cell
- X-Ray
- Wound Care